Beatrice is best known for her acorn flambé. She finds it very important to taste her ingredients before mixing, especially the liquid ones. Unfortunately this also means that on occasion her flambés turn into burnt soufflés!

Lucy is a bookworm! Her favorite books are: ‘Little Mice’ by Louisa May Mouscott, ‘Jane Eyrat’ by Charlotte Brontmouse and ‘Pride and Prejumice’ by Jane Moustin. Somewhat myopic, she consequently often finds herself in the wrong section of the library and begins to read treatises on farm implements.

When the weather gets chilly, Mousdalena Carmen Frida’s tail hurts more than usual. She hides away in the Castle solarium, paintbrush in hand, and wiles away her woes painting surreal royal portraits and personal images of the great wheat famine.

Exploring the wild-cat territories in the far east is Captain James Mouse’s specialty. Ever daring, he can fly within a tom-cats reach and come away with nary a scratch. His favorite maneuver is the ‘tail-spin’, involving a tactically difficult wing dip and then a sharp swing towards the furry side. Hard bumps are expected but also part of the fun!

O Romeouse, Romeouse, wherefore art thou Romeouse? Deny thy father and refuse thy cheese, or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer eat Camembert.

Pinocchi-mouse is of course very very fond of cheese! But ask him if he was the one who finished the last bit in the cupboard and he will respond, “No, No, it wasn’t me!” Ask him is that a spoon you have Pinocchi-mouse? “No, No, it my stick-horse who doesn’t eat at all!”

Ernest is a professor’s assistant at the local ‘Verminersity’. His work with rodent skeletons from the Mouselithic age has led him to discover that at one time mice actually had prehensile tails, capable of a multitude of dexterous movements – an exciting discovery sure to make mouse history!

Professor Cedric Braxton II has too many interests and too little time. He recently discovered a brand new galaxy! Unfortunately, it was also discovered that in his absentmindedness he had polished his telescope with Brie instead of lens cleaner.

Every young mouse in Mouse Castle knows that if you leave your shoes out on the eve of December 6th, St. Nicholmouse is sure to come with a treat or two. Plump grains of wheat and ripe red winterberries usually fill the shoes, but occasionally he also has been known to throw golden coins into the royal coffers!

Rupert unfortunately finds himself listed quite often in the ‘Big Book of Mouse Sins’. St. Nicholmouse hands over these offenders to his trusty cohort ‘Krampus’. What, you may ask, has Rupert done to deserve a spanking from Krampus’ fierce birch switches this year? He put his little paws into each and every cheese in the kitchen pantry to pick his favorite; he hid in the Castle secret passage-way and listened to the political negotiations on Cat-Catching; and he also ran across the laundry line with muddy feet!
"Mouse Castle" by John McRae and Ulla Milbrath. Stories by Ulla Milbrath. Photos courtesy of Tue Nam Ton and Karima Cammell
Oh so ingenious!
oh. my. glee...I am so glad I found your website!
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