Friday, January 16, 2009

One World - One Heart

Before I started this blog, I was convinced that it was the perfectly wrong thing to do. Here I was, running a bricks-and-mortar store where I get to have face-to-face conversations with all of the wonderful artists who visit Castle in the Air. What sort of online experience could hope to match that?

While there isn't anything that can trul
y compete with real world friendships, it didn't take long for me to see that the store's blog was putting me in touch with all sorts of people whom I would never get to meet otherwise. Alongside our Online Shoppe, the blog lets people from around the world get a taste of what we do at Castle in the Air, and we can get to know each other through email or through visiting each other's blogs.

Someone who understands this power of the Internet to bring artists together is Lisa "Oceandreamer" Swifka. For three years now, Lisa has organized One World-One Heart, an annual festival that takes place across any number of blogs. Participants simply list an item they'd like to give to a lucky reader, then go and enter similar drawings for prizes at other participants' blogs.

For our entry, we're giving away a signed and numbered copy of Castle in the Air, the first book from my publishing company, Dromedary Press. The story in the book was a surprise gift from my husband on our first wedding anniversary (the paper anniversary). It tells the tale of a queen who has countless suitors, but pledges to give her heart only to the one who can build her "a castle in the air." While Duncan was secretly writing the story, I was furtively painting a picture for him, a picture of a queen waiting to meet the one who would sweep her off her feet.

When we exchanged gifts and saw h
ow well they went together, Duncan and I decided to celebrate by combining the story and the painting into the most romantic little book. We engaged letterpress printer Richard Seibert and bookbinder Victoria Heifner to create it in limited hardcover and pamphlet editions. The forty-page book includes the full-color image of the queen and five line illustrations of the marvelous castles proposed to her.

Do you want your very own copy? We sell them at Castle in the Air as well as through our Online Shoppe, of course, but we're giving away one copy of the Castle in the Air
hardcover to a lucky reader -- it could be you!

All you have to do to enter the drawing is to leave a (non-anonymous) comment on this blog post. You don't have to be a fellow participant in One World-One Heart, you don't even need to have your own blog -- the festival is just about getting people to say hello and get to know each other in this brave new online world. We'll draw a winner's name at random on Thursday, February 12 and announce it here!

To learn more about One World-One Heart and see who else is participating, please visit Lisa's blog.


1 – 200 of 283   Newer›   Newest»
Latharia said...

Oh, how cool is THAT?! :) I love a good romantic fairy tale ... especially ones that come true! Please do enter me into your drawing ... then come visit my blog & enter mine!! :D

latharia @ comcast dot net

Linda Summerfield said...

What a truly lovely story and a wonderful giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! First off I have not been to your magical shop yet (it's on my list once I'm back down in the bay area again) but I have seen images here and there including those in "Where women Create". I would love to have a copy of this book ! What a wonderful and thoughtful gift to give for your anniversary:)

I'm bookmarking your site and will be back!
~Christine in Bend, Oregon

Unknown said...

Hi Karima,

Am very familiar with your store from reading Ulla's blog.
I'd loved reading your story about your piece for the giveaway, especially since I am a romatic at heart.


Tumble Fish Studio said...

Oh, I am so thrilled and excited about your blog and giveaway I can barely type.

The subtle relief and impression left on the paper in letterpress printing is one of the most beautiful things in the world to enjoy, in my opinion. I earned my BFA graphic design degree over 20 years ago hand setting type and printing on a Vandercook letterpress. I had two of my own presses for a short time but found it hard to find type so eventually sold them to a nearby college, happy to see them still teaching the art of letterpress printing. Now, it is for some of the same reasons I do not work digitally or sell prints of my work. Even in collage, I like the subtlety of the raised surface layers.

Anyway, the story behind your lovely gift may be the most charming and romantic story I have ever heard. I will be back many more times and have listed you in my blog links. Hope you can find time to visit my little place too and enter my drawing!

Anja said...

First to comment. Yay, my lucky day.
Please, come and visit my blog for a giveaway.

vintagepaletteart said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing......

Thank you! *Lori

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story behind your giveaway. I would certainly love to own such a beautiful book.

Please enter my name in your draw :)

Sherry Goodloe said...

Oh yes, I would LOVE to be so lucky to receive a copy of your book! Please count me in for your OWOH giveaway prize.

And when you get a chance, stop by and enter my giveaway as well :) I'm #73 GOT ART?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, I would love to win a copy of this special book! Thank you! And visit me to enter my giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be a part of your drawing.

Please contact me by email.


Janet said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I love books. Please add my name to your list! And if you haven't already, please enter my giveaway, too.

Peggy Parker said...

Perfect! I have had the pleasure of visiting your shop when in San Francisco my one and only time three years ago, and I was mesmerized by its' charm. It made a mark on my heart.

Shoshanah said...

your store is like heaven! i'd love to own one of your books. thank you!

The Joy of Nesting said...

Greetings dear friend,

What a magical gift from a most magical keeper of a Castle in the Air!! :) Your book has been on my wish list for ever so long. How wonderful it would be to win your give away!!

Must dash for now so I can get my give away posted, do drop by in a bit!

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mexico

2 Junkie Girls said...

I recently read about you, your store and your books in an article. Castle in the air sounds like a truly magical place! Please enter me in your drawing--and if you like hearts come visit my give a way!!

xoxs or #173 on the OWOH blog.

sandee said...

What an AwEsOmE giveaway! Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


The Whimsical Goblin said...

Thats awesome, I love books :)

Queenly Things said...

Just visited your lovely store a couple of weeks ago. It's always a stop when I'm in Berkeley. How lovely that you also have a blog. See, that Lisa. She knows how to make the world smaller.

Bella Modiste said...

HOW AWESOME!Please enter me in your drawing! I’ll be making my OWOH post later tonight..time got away from me!
The Bella Modiste

Anonymous said...

What a lovely thing to give as a prize! I'd love to throw my name into the hat for this drawing.

I'm definitely going to bookmark you and come back to browse the rest of your blog.

I also have a giveaway going on, if you want to stop by,


Unknown said...

Your giveaway is really awesome! Please count me in.

DEY said...

That is so romantic! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Tina Leavy said...

oh how 19th anniversary is at the end of the month/would be fun to read this then. would love to be entered in the drawing. stop by and see me too.

Ulla said...

Wow! All it takes is a good give-away and you've got mail!!! (Lisa comes into the Castle every once in a while too - so its apprapro that she inspired you!)

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I wish I lived by your store! LOL I'd never leave! I would love to win and you could put my name in numerous times! giggling...Make sure you pop over to No. 72 on the List. Nice to meet you!

Becky Sorensen said...

Wow, a wonderful story and what a great idea to publish for all, I would love to be entered into your drawing. Thanks,

Geri said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!! Great blog!

Puddles of Grace said...

What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing! Fun!

Betty said...

I am just so thrilled that you visited my blog today! Your store has been a "some day" destination for me since the first day I heard about it. My mom was born in Berkeley and we always visited Spangers when we came up to the bay area. Is it still there? What a wonderful giveaway too. I love the story behind the book!

Queen of Scraps said...

A perfectly romantic prize for a draw just before Valentines Day!

Shoozles said...

oooo- how wonderful! I want to visit the shop :)) maybe some day.

thanks for the visit

Teri Calia said...

what a wonderfully romantic story :)

Unknown said...

What a magnificent gift to giveaway for OWOH. I think the thing I love the most about Lisa's creation is that we get to meet new people and peek into their blogs. Please stop by and enter my giveaway. So nice to meet you. Karen

Carolee said...

Thanks so much for visiting, and for the kind words about my work! It's a dream of mine to visit your shop someday....

Have to add, I so loved reading the story behind the story for your book, and would love to have my name added to your drawing!

Off to add your link to my blog roll now. :)

~ Carolee

jojoebi-designs said...

how romantic

Please put my name in the hat then pop over to play at my pad

Tia said...

Amazing! I wish my DH would surprise me that way *l* count me in Please!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Hi Karima,

I just found your comment on my blog yesterday. The email notification did not work.
Well I'm afraid I can't help you then because I have never been to Frankfurt nor have I any friends there. I'm very sorry about it!
Still I wish you a fab time in Germany! If there is anything else I can do for you please let me know.

This One world one heart project sounds fabulous. I will play along and offer one of my Valentine hearts. Thanks for sharing about it!

Your book sure is a jewel! Great price!

Warmest wishes from Germany

Anonymous said...

Very cool Idea! I'd love to be in your drawing!
ps you have a magical shop???

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I'm an OWOH participant too :)

As Seen Thru My Eyes said...

OH! Draw my name, PLEASE!!
What a wonderful story!!

Bibi said...

How romantic - I love fairy tales! Please enter me. I'm at, and am planning to participate too, but only found out about this today, so won't get my giveaway together until the weekend - do check back then

peggy gatto said...

I am fortunate to live near by and taken felting classes at your store. It is like walking into a dream! Please sign me up!
Come by my place too. #128!
Wishing you continued success!

Jingle said...

This story is so neat! I would love to win this!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Snap said...

What a great giveaway! Please add my name to your list! Traveling on the gypsy caravan is fun!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a wonderful book

please enter me in your drawing
this is my first year doing OWOH
so be sure to drop by my blog
and join my give away if you have a chance
carolyn h

Jodi said...

How romantic ~ I'd love to win a copy of your book. Thanks for the chance.

Ottilias Veranda said...

Oh Yes please! Love the story behind the story! Please put my name in the hat!


Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Wow! Romantic giveaway! Nice to meet you! My first year in OWOH and it's exciting! You asked about doll sculpting clay on my blog. Would love to talk to you more!

Darla said...

I'd truly love a copy of the book. I live in the neighborhood of your store and even my 12 year old Granddaughter loves to visit. She just received her first hand bound book... from Castle in the Air of course.

Darla (in Berkeley)

Vie Chaotique said...

I adore your shop. Would love to own this lovely tale.

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

I love the story of your romance-really fits the One World-One Heart theme! I would love to enter and to win this wonderful book!
chris p

Fete et Fleur said...

I have visited your store and love it. It is always a place of inspiration for me.


Diane said...

Wonderful giveaway! Please add me!

Anonymous said...

I love visiting your shop (and have had a peek at your book in person -- it is truly lovely...) In between visits to your shop I have been enjoying your blog. Thank you for your delightful posts - and for offering one of your books through "One World - One Heart"!)

Czel said...

Indeed a wonderful way to make new friends from all over the world!
Your giveaway is beautiful! Please include me in the draw.

Subic Bay, Philippines

elemental mother said...

Brilliant! I want in on it too! The love, or for the time being the book! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!

Glassgrrl Studios said...

This book sounds so enchanting. Do please add me to your draw, and visit my blog to try for mine.

Unknown said...

How sweet =)

Sara said...

Hello from Nova Scotia, Canada! This is my first year participating in OWOH (#258). It's so wonderful to "meet" all the talented people involved.

The story of your book is lovely..very romantic. Please count me in!

Geralyn Gray said...

I follow your store and hope to visit one day--Your book sounds so romantic. A modern fairy tale----I am so intrigued!!!!!!

Mimi Head said...

A very beautiful and inspiring gift! Hand made books, especially with letter press are the best! Count me in and stop by my blog too! Yours, Emily

graham hanks said...

what a lovely story behind the book, I'd love to win this

sewfunky said...

What a magnificent giveaway... :)

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to come on over to enter the OWOH giveaway on my blog... (I'm #144 on the gypsy caravan!)

Willnnabel said...

Oh lovely, I love books please add me to this give-away.

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ Please include my name for a chance to be a winner
in your lovely and generous giveaway.

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Dschrader said...

Sounds like your husband is quite the romantic! How wonderful!
Love your site! Please enter me in the drawing!
Thanks, Donna K. Schrader

burntofferings said...

hi, how very wonderful! please enter us into your draw and come enter ours.

Pamela said...

what a fantastic story! so nice of you to give something so close to you.

Morna Crites-Moore said...

Please add me to the list!

Unknown said...

That is the sweetest story! You two are obviously so in tune to each other. I love it!!

I would be thrilled to win :)


Unknown said...

What a precious gift with a wonderful story behind it! That is very sweet! I would love a chance to win it! PICK ME!!! LOL! :)

If you would like the opportunity to win some hand tatted lace then travel over to my blog to enter during the OWOH gypsy caravan! :)

Tammie Lee said...

Oh your story is quite romantic, thank you for sharing that with us. I would love a chance to win this book. Please include me. Also feel free to visit my blog.

Digital Misfit said...

That is the most romantic gift I have ever heard of! You are both so obviously creative and in love.
I would treasure such a book for the work of art that it is.

PattiV said...

What a lovely giveaway. I'd love to be entered in your drawing and please stop by and enter mine as well.

The Giveaway Diva said...

amazing!! I would love to be entered!!! thanks so much!

Rosanna Pereyra said...

How lovely! Please enter my name in the drawing.

Thank you,

stampgram said...

What a lovely story...and such a lovely way to combine your gifts. It reminds me of The Gift of The Magi which has always been a favorite of mine. I would love to win. I had not heard of OWOH until this week, but am sure having fun checking out a lot of awesome blogs. SO FUN!.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful, romantic story and such a heartfelt gift! Emily.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Karima I am so happy and delighted that you are participating in this years event. I was just thrilled.
After Where Women Create came out my husband and I were in the shop(one of my MANY visits there)and it was the first time I had a chance to talk to you and about the publication.
I browsed through this book and planned to come back for a copy. I have my fingers crossed that it will now come to me. ;)
I hope you'll stop by my blog as I am not only the host of OWOH, I am also a participant.
I hope to see you in the shop next time I am there.
Lisa Swifka

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing prize! I would love to read this story! Please count me in!

Jessica Worthy

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story behind the story! My first anniversary is this June... wonder if I could manage to keep it secret from hubby that long, were I lucky enough to win, and provide him with a surprise. :) Please count me in! This is a delightful and personal giveaway - just exactly what OWOH is all about!

Please do feel free, too, to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Would love to read that. Great item. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

donna joy said...

great giveaway!
count me in!

Anonymous said...

I read about your book on your site...Ulla sent me there to take a look.
I would love to be a winner of this amazing giveaway.
Mo'a participant #9

SpiritMama said...

It sounds like a fantastic story!
Thanks for including me in your drawing!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Keron Lee said...

What a fabulous story - WOW I have JUST discovered your art through OWOH - thanks for your generosity & for participating in OWOH - I am so glad to have discovered your work – I adore you’re give away – obviously created with care & love – it’s fabulous!
Please feel free to participate in my OWOH give away too: cut & paste this link

warm regards
Keron Lee, Melbourne, Australia

Unknown said...

I'd love to be entered for this beautiful story! Thanks.
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

Sophie said...

Sounds wonderful! I love books!

Mary said...

I'd love to read your story. :) Please count me in.

Karen Klomparens, Glass Addict and Artisan said...

Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you from the chilly Midwest!
Visit my blog too, Karen

jenzai studio said...

oh. my. What an inspiring story! Thank you for participating (so many of us wouldn't have discovered you otherwise) and for your generous give-away.

Cheers! Jenny in Dallas, TX

Monique Kleinhans said...

Thank you for offering up something that is so meaningful. (and for sharing the story behind it!)
I've also got a small offering at my blog as well (#94 on Lisa's list) or just stop by

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am participating in OWOH also. Would love for you to stop by. #223:-)

littlepage said...

That's so romantic! I love to read - please enter me in the drawing. Thanks so much!

Janine Davies said...

A wonderful give away! Have been lucky enough to visit your store a number of times! I too am participating...

tricia stirling said...

magical...I am a big fan of your shop and visit whenever I am in town.

AlwaysInspired said...

Fairy Tales are my fave! Please enter me too!

Malissa said...

I would love to win your book!

Jax said...

How sweet, I have goosebumps just reading about your story. Please count me in and come stop my blog to check out my giveaway too!

Franny said...

Reading your story has just made me realize that "WORDS" are much more! Thank you for your wonderful story....I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before and I am amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Please enter me, Hugs:)

Sandi said...

So happy to have found your blog! And would love to win.

Anonymous said...

I am very curious because I build castles in the air, sometimes stay up there for awhile, the book (giveaway) would be fun to read before I return...

D Q said...

What a wonderful story! Please include me in your drawing.

Renee said...

my favourite things combined. stories and art.



Ursula Shaw said...

What a wonderful give-away! Please count me in. And please visit my blog for my give-away.

Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

*Sigh* How beautiful-what a lovely story! I would love to have one of these for my very own. Please include me and stop by and visit when you get a chance!

valerie2350 said...

fabulous giveaway - please enter me! :)

altermyworld said...

Gorgeous, pls add me

The Joy of Nesting said...

Oh Karima,

What an amazing and beautiful gift you have given to both you and your father!! The chance for both of you two to create incredible memories that you can now take with you through the rest of your lives!!:) Our memories are the only thing you "can take with you" brcause in the end that is all that is left ;)

Pattie ;)
Maztlan Mexico

Lynn Stevens said...

What a Wonderful Story and a Wonderful gift from the Heart!!
Would Love to be included

Anonymous said...

thanks for the generous giveaway!


rochambeau said...

Hi Karima,
What a fun event this has been. Sounds like your husband is a creative man writing this book for you!

Please throw my name into the hat!!
Sounds like my kind of book.
Happy weekend!


Sam said...

what a beautiful story, and the book looks gorgeous. I would love to find a home for this amongst my shelves.

ICQB said...

How sweet! Please enter me in the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful kind of reminds me of the "Gift of the Magi". I would love to win your giveaway! Please stop over at my giveaway!

Ann said...

Cool! Please enter my name, and stop by to enter my giveaway, too! ;)

Dragonlady said...

Sounds like an adorable romantic story, enter me please and I hope you have time to hop over to my giveaway..

Anonymous said...

That is such a sweet story :-)
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Cool! I'd love to win your book! Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event!
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

AngieHallHaviland said...

What a FUN event this is....making friends through ART is always WONDERFUL!! Please enter me in your drawing!!

Be sure to stop by my blog :O)

Anonymous said...

Thank you allowing us to enter for such a nice prize. It sounds like a must read for me

Born in the year of the Dog said...

Awesome OWOH giveaway and I can't wait to read it. Thanks for sharing your art. Colleen

Antonella said...

Oh, that is so sweet, I would love to have a chance. If you get a moment, stop on by mine #273
Hugs, antonella :-)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway & the chance to win! :)


Anonymous said...

I love this giveaway idea! So exciting. I can't wait!
Your book is amazing!

Unknown said...

What a great, personal giveaway! Please count me in, and check out mine, if you haven't already.

Beadyjan said...

How romantic and just in time for St valentines day.
Please include me and don't miss the chance to win a pendant necklace with owoh on my blog.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a fantastic true story! I’d love to be the lucky winner in your giveaway! Please add my name! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

MyCretanlife said...

I like that story, just goes to show you are both on the same wavelength. Please count me in on you giveaway.

artbeckons said...

wow, this book sounds so cool! please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

Liv said...

Oh, that is a truly romantic story! What a fantastic prize!! Please enter me in the drawing for this book! :)
Thank you so much for your generosity! :)
All the best,

gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

Anonymous said...

please add me to your draw

Anonymous said...

I love the story ... so please add my name to the list; and do stop by, I have some giveaways as well.

WendyP said...

what an awesome giveaway.
hope you will stop by my blog and enter my giveaway too

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

How romantic! Love your story.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Marilyn said...

Truly romantic--makes my heart sing! I would love to add my name to your list of other romantics for a chance in your drawing...thank you very much!

Ketutar said...

That was a lovely story :-) I'm sitting here smiling, with tears in my eyes... Of course I'd love to be the happy winner :-)

ketutar at yahoo dot com

Kims Art said...

Hi, it is so nice to meet you! Please add my name to your list for a chance to win this wonderful gift!

LiLi M. said...

I do agree with you that true friendships are the best, but at the same time blogging is my window to the world. I would never have heard of you without blogging (sorry), never knew that there was such thing as a caravan of love. I love that all. And I love to win your book too!

If you have time and feel like it, please enter my drawing too. You would be more than welcome.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

My Goodness ~ I have learned a lot from your blog already ~ Awesome pictures! I would love to win your book. Please visit me and enter my OWOH drawing too! Many Blessigns, Katie

Anonymous said...

Yes please. Please add me to your draw.

Connie said...

how romantic! please enter me in your giveaway, and come enter mine!
connie williams

Lisa said...

I have so enjoyed your blog! I love your store items, they are simply beautiful...I would love to be part of your give away..thank you...Lisa

If you have time please visit my post for my book giveaways...have a great day.:)

Anonymous said...

Swooning at the romance of the story behind the book. Please enter me in the giveaway.

Corrine said...

what a wonderful giveaway, please put my name down then come and visit my blog

melanie said...

that is so cool!! what a wonderful giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Wow a love story of a personal nature in a book what a gift for your future family-- would love to have a copy please enter me

Dawn said...

I thank you for adding my name to your draw.
~ Dawn.

Oh! and please do visit my
Gypsy Caravan #539
ART of Humungous Proportions

Anonymous said...

Oh I so love to read! Thank you so much for a chance!

Angie said...

please enter me!!!!

Korarnithlas said...

A -true- romantic story! Please enter me in the drawing.

Unknown said...

I love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

martha brown said...

What a wonderful giveaway -- and a beautiful story behind it! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!!! I'm off now to look at your blog some more...

Unknown said...

This is wonderfully romantic! Please include me in the special drawing!


Anonymous said...

How Cool!! Castle in the Air is such a pretty name and i look forward to reading more about it. I am happy to find your blog and i am excited to visit again:)

Viki Banaszak said...

Wow! You two must have been truly made for each other. :)

Loralynn said...

How romantic! I would love to receive your lovely story!

Jenna Z said...

What w wonderful, romantic story! Can't wait to read it. If I win, that is!

Kathy said...

What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity to have my name put in the drawing

Kathy #577 on the caravan

Unknown said...

This is such a romantic story. I would be thrilled to win this book!

Melissa Valeriote said...

I stop by your store every time I'm in Berkeley! So many treasures!

Mimi said...

What a fantastic prize. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

Please stop by & enter mine also.

OWOH #640

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your competition, and stop by my blog to enter mine.

jet1960 said...

I would love to be entered in your romantical giveaway. How lovely! Thanks for the chance to win.

Sarahlé said...

How generous! That's rare to find such an original giveaway :) Please count me in, I would be delighted to have one :)
Many thanks to you, have a nice day


~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

How romantic!! Please count me and if you haven't stopped by yet on your travels, make sure to enter my giveaway. Thanks!

Sara lechner said...

wow, this is so special, please sign me in!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

oh, what a lovely story. i wish you all the best. and oh, yes, i would like to win the giveaway, please count me in!

cowgirltazz said...

What a wonderful story!! I would love to read it. It sounds like a real fairytale come true. Thank you for entering me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

the ultimate story for Valentine's


VintageCrafter said...

OH mY! I would love to win this to give to my sister in law who has just found her very own prince! How magical! Please include me.
*smiles and sunshine*
Carol :)

Bella Sinclair said...

Oh, so very romantic. During our early dating years, my husband would sing Castles in the Air by The Colourfield to me. I would love to win your book!

Mademoiselle Julie said...

Bookmarked your site so that I can return & read more about the book. The story sounds very enchanting! Cheers, Julie:

Diana Brito said...

Please enter me into your drawing - but please also send over info on ordering the book. It sounds like something my little daughter and I can read together.

ikkinlala said...

I'd love a chance to win a copy of your book!

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Castle in the Air said...

Hi Di,
Thanks for entering the drawing! You can buy the book at Castle in the Air in Berkeley, or order it through our Online Shoppe. Here's a link directly to the book:

SuseADoodle said...

i do so love books and paintings and wonderfully romantic stories! oh PICK ME PICK ME to win, okay?? LOL

Enter me in your drawing -- PLEASE! :-)

Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!

"Suse Bee"

Shariyah said...

What a beautiful give-away! Please enter me into your drawing, and thank you for giving us the chance to win your beautiful fairy tale (my fave!!
If you haven't already, please feel free to stop by my blog and enter my give-away as well! (
Peace & Love (and hugs)

Tristan Robin said...

even on the other side of the continent, I"m in love with your store!

your OWOH gift is superb!


Alexandra Lundgren said...

This is a fantastic giveaway. I love the story behind the story. So glad you shared it.

Carole Burant said...

Yes please, I would love to have my name added for your giveaway:-) The book sounds wonderful! Thank you! xo

Anonymous said...

Such a magical gift, from magical people who live in a magical store.

Thanks you for the thoughtful give-away!

Anonymous said...

How Exciting! I saw your beautiful book when I visited your website to order some "magic" for my resident artist. Will be back often to visit often and would love to have you book visit at my house!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful fairy tale! One that came true? Vicki Page

Jenny Holiday & Aaron said...

Oooooh how Fantastic!!!! What a fabbbulous giveaway!! Please please add my name to your hat!! :)

I am so excited to have found your fab blog!! I'll be visiting often!!

Pop over to mine for a giveaway as well!!

Love from the Jersey Shore!
xoxo Jenny Holiday

. said...

I love books, and this one is so sweet!! I'd love to win it!

Brenda said...

It sounds charming. Please enter my name (#574)

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

I read about your wonderful store in Where Women Create. What a dream!Please add my name to your draw. It would be thrill to actually win!

Just Jenn Designz said...

What a wonderful giveaway and oh how romantic. I would LOVE to have a copy of your book. Please add me to your drawing.

Char said...

Hi from Oregon,

What an awesome story!!

Please enter me in your giveaway.

If you haven't already, come by and visit my blog, too!


Jamie Lott said...

Oh this is fantastic. I would be so honored. Thank you so much for offering such a meaningful giveaway! Please include me. And come by to visit me. I'm #462 on the gypsy caravan.

Jamie ~ Savannah, Georgia (USA)

maggie said...

I've found myself reading this blog on a regular basis. Informative and funny and now a drawing for a free giveaway. I love the gamboling atmospehere. Cards anyone? Deringer in a vest pocket, and oh what the heck, roll the dice, players only love you when they're playing. Come on baby...

Anonymous said...

This book sounds amazing and would love to read it. Thanks for the generous and wonderful giveaway.

Patricia said...

What a romantic story! Love books, please enter me in this drawing.
Come and enter mine as well,
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

jamaise said...

Ooh a love story that was crafted very lovingly. I am newly fascinated with letterpress, your post on it was very interesting.

Heart's Desire Jewelry said...

I have to say ... its been too long since I've been out to Fourth street! I never knew your wonderful shop existed if it hadn't been for OWOH. Instead of meeting someone across the world, it has introduced me to a neighbor across town! I will be sure to drop by and visit your place soon. Please enter me in your drawing. If I win, I can drop by to pick it up :)

Unknown said...

My two favorite things combined: books and art! Please enter me in your contest.
:) Thank you, April.

Bee said...

what a fabulous give away. Please pop me into your draw.

Why not come over to my blog and enter my draw too, it's at

Hope to see you there.


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