Featured in Where Women Create
Where Women Create is a new magazine that invites readers into the studios of some of the world's most extraordinary artists. The premier issue features 10 pages of story and photos about Castle in the Air! We're incredibly honored to be included among all these artists who are living their dreams.
Where Women Create is distributed nationwide through bookstores including Barnes & Noble and Borders, arts and crafts shops such as Michaels and Joann, and right here at Castle in the Air.
I saw this at the book store and enjoyed peeking into your studio!
Hi Karima,
nice to meet you!:)
My name is Carola and I'm from Germany. I've got your blog addy from Ulla who is a long time blogging friend of mine.
I also got the first "Where women create" magazine a few weeks ago in a swap with a US friend and loved the pages about the "Castle in the Air" and your studio! It's all so whimsical and beautiful, wish I could just beam me over to visit and shop and take one of Ullas fabulous classes.
Ulla told me that you are coming to Germany at the end of the month. I live up in the North of Germany near the North Sea in Bremen, so it's an 8 hours car drive away from Munich, but I have some friends living in Munich and will be happy to ask them for interesting places to visit (and/ or eat) in the area if you'd like me to.
Sending you warmest wishes from Boxwood Cottage in freezing cold Germany ( it was the coldest night with minus records last night brrrrr)
P.S.: Glad to know your blog now, will put it in my reader!
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