Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Free Paper Model for You

Autumn classes at Castle in the Air have started to fill, and everyone who has picked up a copy of the printed newspaper-style class schedule at the store has been happy to get a special treat—a free paper model.

The back page of the class list features our reprint of the Pellerin paper model of the “Jeu de la Roue” or Wheel of Fortune. It makes a fun diorama and even can be played as a game with friends. All you need to complete it are scissors, glue, and a few sheets of cardstock. Come by the shop to get yours!


Shelley Noble said...

Oh, that sounds so fun, Rima. I hope I'm still on your mailing list after my move!

Memaw said...

Would love to have the free paper Model but I live to far away to stop in. So all I can do is day dream of all the wonderful freebies. But I will start (have started) buying as I just found you from a great friend.
thanks for the change.