When the dust settled, we saw what all the commotion was about -- an illustrated letter! The Blue Castle Badger had been wrestling for possession of it with a gnome none of us had ever met before. The gnome gave a start when he noticed us, and it was enough of a lapse of attention that the Blue Castle Badger was able to snatch the letter, which he proceeded to carry upstairs where the gnome couldn't follow us.
Even when they are in a disgraceful situation like this, gnomes always remember their manners. This one introduced himself as Odolf, and that he had been sent to make sure that the illustrated letter made it into the proper hands at Castle in the Air. We were embarrassed to admit to Odolf that, if the Blue Castle Badger now had the letter, that it was indeed in the proper...paws.
"Very well, I will deliver this happy news to Sugene," Odolf said. And with the tiniest of incredulous looks, he trotted out the front door and turned right before disappearing among the usual sidewalk strollers. We can't wait to read the letter from Sugene, just as soon as the Blue Castle Badger stops snuffling it.
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