Thursday, April 22, 2010

Underworld Connections

We've received several anxious calls and emails over the past week regarding our dwindling stock of crepe paper on the Castle in the Air Online Shoppe. The crepe paper continues to be a favorite among our online customers, and a few weeks ago when we saw our inventory was running low we placed an order from our German supplier. Of course, no one told us about Eyjafjallajokull's plans to disrupt European air traffic by spewing tons of smoke and ash into the sky.

When we asked our gnomes if they knew anyone "high up" in the Icelandic kingdom of nature, they just scratched their heads. But as the volcanic crisis is now a problem for all of Europe, we decided to contact one of our oldest friends, Apollo, to see if he could help. Apollo said he had a few "Underworld connections" and that they might be able to persuade Europe's volcanoes to be a little more considerate when timing their eruptions.

As it stands, crepe paper fans can expect to see plenty of colors and styles back up on the Online Shoppe around the second week of May.

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