I found myself going back again and again to see these ancient-looking animals, with their ponderous movements and wise faces. I especially liked the leopard tortoise babies, so small one would fit in the palm of my hand. At night I would dream about them! As much as I tried to shake it, the tortoise fever grew and before long I knew it was just a matter of time before I took one of them home.
About a week ago I gave in and admitted to myself (and anyone who would listen) that I was going to adopt one of the adorable leopard tortoises. The same day, picture after picture of giant tortoises started appearing on my desk at Castle in the Air. One came on the cover of a new book by Julie Morstad (ABC, pictured above). Mr. Marsh was reading another book (Alice's Adventures in Jurisprudencia, by Peter Sloss, below) that had a similar illustration. Talk about mentalist manifestations!
Before I knew it, I was the proud new parent of one of the leopards. Casanova lives in a specially designed and heated house in our kitchen. I feed him every morning and give him his bath and he is delightful to watch. There's something about how he wakes up and opens one eye, then takes twenty minutes to open his second eye, that reminds me there are always new perspectives about how to meet the day. I'm sure you'll be hearing more about him in the days to come!

Casanova is a very lucky reptile!
Hello Karima!
I wanted to thank you again for hosting yesterday's workshop with John. I was the other blogger who came with Ulla (Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur). I had wonderful time! The ambiance of your lovely shoppe and the friendliness of your amazingly talented staff made it a magical day.
I will post on the workshop and your gorgeous store soon.
Baby anythings are adorable but baby turtles are in a class of their own :) We have a number of spots along the beaches where the huge ancient turtles come to lay their eggs. Because they are endangered the eggs are carefully gathered up and kept warm and safe. When it's time to hatch they go back to the beach. What a most amazing site to see all these tiny little creatures making their way to the ocean!! :) Pass my greetings on th Casanova please :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
I look forward to seeing pictures of Casanova! I have two red eared sliders, Gamera and Minn, who started out as tiny adorable babies and are now as big as my hand. They live in a 100 gallon tank in our kitchen. They're a lot of work but I adore them.
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