However, especially around this time of the year, one is granted the opportunity to enjoy the more pleasant aspects of having a minor civilization make its home between your walls and amongst your rafters. For instance, when the magical creatures are feeling festive, they become possessed by a certain twisted, manic obsession with decorating each and every corner of the store they can get their crafty little pixies paws on, and with a zeal that can only be described as one-part disturbing to two-parts delightful.

Thus armed with a vaguely Germanic work ethic and about twenty pounds of import glitter, the fey beasties have created quite a breathtaking tableaux of seasonal splendor for us this winter. Do drop by and share in the magic while it lasts. We will be fumigating again come boxing day...
- H. Drosselmeier
Facilities Manager

1 comment:
Looks INCREDIBLE Karima! Sorry I couldn't help...
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