Castle in the Air is very lucky this weekend to have the World's Smallest Postal Service helping us with the holiday rush. Postmistress Lea Redmond is stationed just inside the front door, transforming customers' regular-sized letters into miniature mail. Each missive she completes fits onto a 1" by 1.5" piece of stationery, which is then folded and placed inside a stamped envelope smaller than a thumbnail!
Lea has been operating her petite post office since this summer, setting up shop at stores and cafes in San Francisco and the East Bay. She says she gets lots of requests for transcriptions of love letters, notes to Santa Claus, and even notes for the Tooth Fairy. The Castle in the Air gnomes could learn a thing or two about calligraphy from her!
You can learn more about the World's Smallest Postal Service and Lea's other projects at: http://www.worldssmallestpostalservice.com
I am trying hard to contact this person, but the link is NOT linking....is there a phone or another way to reach her....I've seen her work and it's great!
Thanks for visiting my blog...what an Aladdin's cave your store looks! Absolutely magical. I so wish I could visit! x
The link works for us but you can go directly to her site at:
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