Friday, April 11, 2014

Crepe Paper Lilacs in “All Things Paper”

Springtime flowers are popping up all over the country, and in the pages of a new paper-crafting book, too!

Longtime friend of Castle in the Air Jenny Jafek-Jones has used our doublette crepe to create gorgeous lilac blossoms, and they’re featured on the cover and inside All Things Paper, a new book edited by blogger Ann Martin.

All Things Paper presents 20 paper-crafting projects including jewelry, cards, accessories, and home décor, each one from a different artist. The book is worth picking up for the wealth of techniques alone, but it’s also beautifully made, with photographs and tips for every stage of each project.

Over the past few years both Ann and Jenny have taken the leap into grander artistic ventures, Ann with the publication of this book (her second book came out earlier this year), and Jenny turning her sideline—The Crimson Poppy—into a fulltime pursuit. We’re very proud of them both and can’t wait to see where they’ll go next.

Tags: All Things Paper, Ann Martin, Jenny Jafek-Jones, The Crimson Poppy, the artistic life, the artistic cliff, lilacs, crepe paper, doublette crepe, paper flowers, books

1 comment:

  1. What a nice surprise to see All Things Paper featured here! I'm delighted you like the projects, thank you.
