Friday, February 21, 2014

The Economy of Generosity

Naturally, all of us at Castle in the Air are flattered by the beautiful three-page article about the shop in this month’s issue of Romantic Homes. But writer Sarah Yoon was able to capture something more essential to our work than simple retail. Her story is about Castle in the Air’s “economy of generosity,” how what we do is first and foremost about the artists who shop and work here.

Castle in the Air has gone through much change in the thirteen years since we first opened, and we’ve weathered some tough storms. I believe that the secret to our success has always rested in the people who make up the shop’s community. Beautiful things happen when we make room for people’s dreams. Thank you, Romantic Homes, for helping to spread the word.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this post today, and I'm so happy that I was able to write about the shop! You have a unique business, and I think that the way you care for your community is very valuable.
