Friday, December 31, 2010


Something that’s on everyone’s mind today is how next year will be different. We had a great year at the shop, in the classroom, and in the gallery, and while I can’t reveal to you just yet our plans for 2011, know that we’re looking forward to building on our successes as each of these aspects of Castle in the Air grows and changes.

As for myself, my list of New Year’s resolutions is just two items long. My first resolution is to practice my bandoneón every day. I haven’t found anything more satisfying than sitting down with the instrument and learning a new song, jamming with friends, or taking my lessons (via Skype) with my teacher in Argentina.

My second resolution is to fully embrace my life as an artist. Spending time with Mariaelisa Leboroni this summer reinforced for me how powerful it can be to fully own being an artist. It is one thing to say one is going to be an artist, another to work at one’s art regularly, and yet another to take it on as a life. Art has been in my blood my entire life—I can’t help it, I must create. To not do so costs me my sanity. But when someone asks me what I do, I say I’m a shopkeeper, a mother, a wife, someone who studied science in school…all these wonderful roles I’ve set up for myself. Now when people ask who I am or what I do, I’ll tell them I’m an artist. Wish me luck! And know that if this is your New Year’s resolution too, you’ve got an ally in me.


  1. I resolved long ago not to go around putting labels on myself.

  2. Gorgeous blog, so glad I happened upon it! Have a fabulous New Year!
    Take Care,

  3. For me there are few things more powerful than identifying a dream and naming it. I find that if I can name it, I am in a much better position to make it come true!

  4. You are already there Karima!
    Love and kisses,

  5. So wonderful - You're an inspiring person! I'd like to talk with you about the bandoneon again sometime; it keeps calling out to me. Have a great year!
    - Ann McChesney-Young

  6. Karima,
    You are definitely an artist through and through!

    That's so interesting about you learning the bandoneon. I learned the accordian when I was little. The bandoneon has more class! I lived in Argentina for 4 years about 15 years ago. What kind of songs/music do you learn?

    Carole Johnson (calligrapher)
