Friday, April 30, 2010

The MAY-POLE is up

When it comes to classy correspondents, Alan Brignull is at the top of our list. Here's an issue of The Rambling Urchin -- his monthly handbill series that he sets and prints on his letterpress in his studio in Essex, England -- which arrived in today's mail. It says:

The MAY-POLE is up,
Now give me the cup;
I'le drink to the
Garlands a-round it:

But first unto those
Whose hands did compose
The glory of flowers
that crown'd it.

The words of Robert Herrick and an 1830-ish illustration, printed from the original wood engraving by Alan Brignull in Wivenhoe.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, Maypole dancing and a passing cup, this will surely make the Castle Classes popular!
